Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (Super Nintendo SNES)
This is a Japanese to English Translation of Thracia 776 originally a Super Famicom exclusive.
Thracia 776 is a midquel to its predecessor, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, set entirely in Jugdral's Thracian Peninsula during the year Grann 776; this places it approximately before and during the sixth, seventh, and eighth chapters of Genealogy of the Holy War. It stars Leif, a playable character in the second generation of Genealogy of the Holy War, and details his revolutionary struggle against the Grannvale Empire's occupation of the Munster District. While Thracia 776 fundamentally tells the same story about Leif depicted in passing in Genealogy of the Holy War, there are some minor changes to the events of the prior game.
-Genre: Fantasy, RPG.
-Region: NTSC, USA.
-Works on all North American Super Nintendo Systems with no modification needed.
-Save feature enabled.
-May not be compatible with Retron 5 hardware.